Canvas Tutorials

Canvas for Students & Parents

For the presentation link, click here.

How do I login to Canvas?

Contact your teacher who can provide log in information.

How do I get to Canvas?

Log in through NCEdCloud, Click on the red circle icon

Setting Canvas Notifications.webm

How do I set notifications from Canvas?

Updating Profile.webm

How do I edit my profile in Canvas?


How do I view announcements?

Observer Acct for Parents.webm

Can parents see what is being shared in Canvas?

Observer Account directions

Spanish Version of Observer directions

Immersive Reader Option.webm

How do I use the Immersive reader option in Pages?

Navigating Modules.webm

How do I complete modules?

Mark as Done--Modules.webm

How do I mark a module item as done?

Submitting Assignments.webm

How do I submit an assignment in Canvas?

Submitting assignments via Google Drive.webm

How do I submit an assignment in Canvas from Google Drive?

Discussion boards.webm

How do I reply in a discussion?

view grades.webm

How do I view my grades?

viewing feedback.webm

How do I view assignment comments from my teacher?