Physics and Astronomy Equity Week (PEW)

Physics and Astronomy Equity Week (PEW) is a workshop co-hosted by the Direct Action Coalition (DAC) and Women and Minorities in Physics (WMP).  PEW is centered on issues of equity that are prevalent both in the field of physics and beyond.  The goal of PEW is not only to ensure the community is aware of these issues, but to learn how we can take the necessary steps to improve our community. 

DAC is a independent group comprised of graduate students and post-docs from the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Physics and Astronomy. WMP is a independent group comprised of undergraduate and graduate students from the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Physics and Astronomy.

PEW will be a hybrid workshop, so please register below to receive access to the Zoom link.  In-person attendees are strongly encouraged to register.

2024 Dates:

In-person Location: Thaw 102

Click below to Register:

This event has passed, thank you to everyone who participated! 


Friday - May 3rd

Monday May 6th, 

Tuesday May 7th, 

Speaker Information

Yaswant Devarakonda  (American Astronomical Society, John N. Bahcall Public Policy Fellow)

Diana Zúñiga (Tres Lunas Consulting, Founder)

Ethos behind PEW

Direction Action Coalition (DAC) is a grassroots organization founded by and for early career scientists in our department. Comprising of a community of graduate students and postdocs with a wide range of identities–LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and allies–our campaign revolves around, and is motivated by the following principles: 

Since DAC’s inception roughly a year ago, our work has provided other early career scientists in the department with the opportunity and resources needed to successfully create, sustain, and navigate social & professional relationships within the department community. This process, which has manifested itself through town halls and other informational/community events, has also brought awareness to some of the dynamically complex inequities that negatively impact members from historically excluded and presently marginalized communities. We believe that it is essential to continuously raise awareness of and discuss these issues. We believe that it is time for the rest of the departmental community to hear and learn about these issues.

Women and Minorities in Physics (WMP) is an organization founded by graduate students with the goal of fostering a community that promotes the advancement of women and minority physicists. We offer outreach and mentorship opportunities, invoke departmental change, inform about diversity issues, and build a supportive environment for women and minorities.

We present the Physics and Astronomy Equity Week (PEW), from May 3rd - 7th, 2024. We are hosting this week-long conference centering on the subject of equity.  To facilitate this conference, we have organized and invited speakers from various professional backgrounds. One of our goals is for participants to learn about how complex and interconnected our community members’ experiences are to the inequities and injustices experienced by other communities throughout the world. We will take the time to learn about consensus-based decision making, to participate in community discussions (e.g., town halls), and to learn about how policy will shape the future of our field(s). We will engage in the discussion of current events and the role of physics & astronomy – both historically and in the current epoch – in the oppression of marginalized communities both in the U.S. and abroad. We welcome you to join us in this event.

Ethics Statement/Code of Conduct


We aim to foster a productive, collaborative experience at PEW for all participants. We do not tolerate the following:

We have a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and bullying, which we define as:

 The above guidelines apply to all interactions within the boundaries of in person PEW events and Zoom rooms. Participants are also expected to follow the department code of conduct (provided here).

Meeting Policy

We ask that in order to continue to keep this conference accessible, you:

Two moderators will be active during the events to assist with needs and to moderate in-person discussions, control screen-sharing and other security issues.


Violations of the code of contact will be dealt with as per University of Pittsburgh Policies, the event and the department code of conduct (provided here). Reports of harassment should be made to the Office for Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion report form (provided here). Please contact the organizers for questions and comments.

“The University of Pittsburgh occupies the ancestral land of the Seneca, Adena culture, Hopewell culture, and Monongahela peoples, who were later joined by refugees of other tribes (including the Delaware, Shawnee, Mingo, and Haudenosaunee).”