1st Grade

Be Creative

This unit is designed to introduce first grade PACE students to research based creative thinking techniques and logical thinking strategies. Different types of logic problems and science experiments will allow students to begin to develop logical skills such as deducing, comparing, ordering, and drawing conclusions.

Students will be able to independently use their learning to…

- Apply critical, creative, and logical thinking to different situations and problems.

Students will show that they really understand by evidence of…

  • Designing new superheroes using SCAMPER.

2nd Grade


Students answer the question “What is coding?” by discovering why it is important to learn coding, the jobs associated with coding, and how precise instructions can lead to a successful outcome. Using Code Studio in, students follow through lessons that teach looping, debugging, conditionals and other necessary language in order to make programs work.

Students will be able to independently use their learning to

-Understand and explain the importance of computer coding.

-Diagnose and solve problems using logical reasoning

-Create innovative products from newly acquired coding skills.

Students will show that they really understand by evidence of…

-Successful completion of lesson assessments in Code Studio.

-Meeting the set expectation of lesson sequence completion in Code Studio.

-Completing required criteria in Play Lab project.

3rd Grade

Logic and Reasoning

Students will be exposed to syllogistic and deductive reasoning strategies while solving a mystery. Students will use logic grids to analyze and interpret data; use syllogisms to strengthen their reading and reasoning skills; and learn to form generalizations based upon valid assumptions.

Students will be able to independently use their learning to…

  • Develop and apply inductive and deductive reasoning skills.
  • Construct logical conclusions based on information given.

Students will show that they really understand by evidence of…

  • Designing a matrix problem that explains what has happened to the main characters.

Genius Hour

The Genius Hour Unit is designed to create an environment where students can fully take ownership of their own work from start to finish while exploring a topic of interest specific to them. Students begin by learning proper research strategies which include the effective use of the internet and determining the credibility of sources. The unit progresses through a thorough exploration of the definition of Genius Hour, and starts students thinking about topics of interest. They will formulate a Driving Question which becomes the foundation of their research. Finally, students will work on selecting and developing a presentation method (product). The means of creating a product are extensive; students will work on selecting one which matches their research most effectively. The final step is to present student work.

Students will be able to independently use their learning to…

  • Develop guiding questions that lead to meaningful research.
  • Synthesize information into an effective presentation.

Students will show that they really understand by evidence of…

  • Researching a self-selected topic.
  • Creating a presentation to share what was learned.

4th Grade


In many ways, Robotics is a natural synthesis of the previous years’ learning in PACE; however, students new to PACE in 4th grade are not at any disadvantage. Students work in teams to research a real-world situation perceived to be an unfavorable condition for humans, and then build their own robot to solve the chosen problem through a performance task of their choice. Students present their solution, and the robot performs its tasks in the fictional context of a presentation to a specific audience such as NASA. Additional learning includes an introduction to the literary genre of science fiction, how science fiction can become science fact, icon-driven computer programming, and various methods of inquiry.

Students will be able to independently use their learning to…

  • Make inferences.
  • Solve problems using deductive reasoning skills.

Students will show that they really understand by evidence of…

  • Designing and implementing a program for their robot.
  • Creating a persuasive presentation.


In the leadership unit students begin to explore qualities that make good leaders and identify leadership skills in themselves and others. Through classroom discussions and journal reflections, students learn that anyone

5th Grade


Fifth grade PACE curriculum lays the foundation for skills associated with middle school PACE expectations in both divergent/creative thinking and convergent/analytical thinking. Students participate in complex, focused analysis through an introduction to law. Students review cases related to aspects of the First and Fourth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. A consideration of intellectual property law and skills related to civil discourse furthers the depth and complexity of this unit. Students are compelled to justify opposing points of view, identify facts, interpret documents, and support arguments culminating in a formal debate.

Students will be able to independently use their learning to…

  • Support arguments for both sides of an issue using civil discourse
  • - Understand and explain the need for governing laws
  • - Understand and explain the importance of becoming an engaged and responsible citizen

Students will show their learning by evidence…

  • Crafting and participating in a debate that is grounded in knowledge of law; the students work will also demonstrate an understanding of the judicial branch of the government.

Stock Market Game

In the Stock Market Game, students will be able to independently use their learning to develop an economic way of thinking and problem solving useful to manage one's financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial security. Students will understand that economic trends affect everyone, investing in stocks is worth the risk, and successful investors rely on research, diversification and trends. Given a fictional $100,000 to invest in the stock market, students will put their knowledge into action.

Students will be able to independently use their learning to

  • Develop an economic way of thinking and problem solving useful to manage one's financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security.

Students will show that they really understand by evidence of …

  • Group Project – Participation in The Stock Market Game. This process includes research, evaluation, selection and trading of investments.
  • Reflective Essay – After the group activity, each student individually reflects on the experience and evaluates the process, the product and the learning goals.