
ETSI Testimonials

"ETSI is a great experience for any level of teacher who would like to do more or know more about the technology we have and how to best put it into practice in our many diverse classrooms."

"Thanks to ETSI, I have been able to challenge myself as a teacher. The benefits of ETSI are priceless."

"ETSI has allowed me to encourage my students to become empowered learners; confident and motivated to give their best while using technology."

"Take notes and be ready to completely transform your way of teaching."

"Be prepared to get out of your comfort zone and learn something new."

"Don't be afraid to share what you know! Everyone is so supportive and willing & wanting to learn!"

"Be ready to learn a lot in a small amount of time!!"

"Be prepared for a lot of information but it's great information and it may take time to process. This is a very worthwhile training and I highly recommend it!"

"Put your seat belt on & brace yourself for a fun & thrilling ride."

"Don't miss it!! I am sure this is only the beginning of what the future holds. The tip-of-the-iceberg in terms of innovation to come. Exciting to be part of history-in-the-making!!"

"You and your team put together a training that was the best I ever had in my 10 years working for PISD. Your professionalism, knowledge and capacity to share, made this training a paramount experience... we just simply could not wait to share with our students the wealth of expertise you made available to the teachers. A big THANKS from the bottom of my heart."