Counselor Lessons

K-5 Counselor Lessons can be found in Google Classroom 

K-5 counselor lessons are on an A/B schedule. Each classroom will receive 2 lessons per month when applicable.   

Guidance Lessons

August- School Counselor Introductions/Mental Health

September- Conflict Resolution/Bullying Prevention

October- Healthy Choices

November- Conflict Resolution/Wellness Week

December- Minute Meetings/Conflict Resolution 

January- Goal Setting/College, Career, & Military Readiness

February- Bullying Prevention/Child Safety

March- Mental Health

April- Wellness Week

May- Changes/Transitions

Have fun exploring the many careers featured here!  Also, check out our "Resources" section for games and more information on career exploration!

Education Go Get It Week

We have already celebrated our College and Career Week and this is just a continuation of that. Plano ISD wants to promote College and Career Readiness district-wide. Don't forget to attend College Night at the Plano Event Center September 18th!