Students in third through fifth grades will receive a report card each grading period. The purpose of grading is to share student progress with parents and students. This progress reflects understanding and mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The TEKS are the state curriculum standards, which are based on national standards. 

Progress Reports

Progress reports will be issued at the midpoint (4 to 4 1⁄2 weeks) of each grading period. However, parents may check their child's grades at any time using PISD's Parent Portal.

Report Cards

Report cards are issued on the district-designated date and may not be issued any earlier. If a student has been enrolled for more than 20 days, a report card will be issued. Report cards are viewed on the parent portal.

Weighting of Grades

Third - Fifth Grade

Numerical Grades

Numerical Grades (0 - 100) are assigned in grades three through five for the following subjects:

Letter Grades

Letter Grades (E, S, N, U) are assigned in grades three - five for the following subjects:

The letter grades (E, S, N, U) for these subjects are defined as follows:

Citizenship & Work Habits/Study Skills 

The letter grades (E, S, N, U) for these areas are defined as follows: