Students and parents,
A warm welcome to the web page of Rhetoric class, a required course for seniors at Pinnacle Classical Academy.
All notes, classwork, and assignments are available for students and parents here.
Our school's charter application refers frequently to the importance of rhetoric, both as a stage of learning and as a class.
Rhetoric as a stage of learning
“Focusing on the classical education trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric will allow students to develop their cognitive abilities and become thoughtful and articulate learners that will be productive in a globally competitive society. By using classical education techniques, such as Socratic questioning, students will develop into independent thinkers and learners.” (p. 33)
“In the final stage of learning, rhetoric, high school students learn to write and speak with force and originality. Students will apply what was learned in middle school to the foundational information learned in the early grades and express their conclusions in clear, forceful, elegant language. . . . This will allow high school students to take ownership of their coursework and their educational interests.” (p. 39)
Rhetoric class
“Another component of the classical educational approach will be formal instruction in Latin, logic, and rhetoric in upper grades. . . . Rhetoric allows students to articulate ideas and convictions persuasively.” (p. 13)
“Graduation requirements include students . . . the successful completion of a senior rhetoric course and thesis.” (p. 34)
“High School students will be expected to exhibit their critical thinking skills in classroom discussions and assignments. Students will be required to give written and oral arguments on topics presented in all classes as part of their class assignments. The senior rhetoric thesis, a course required for graduation, will be the capstone of the school’s curriculum.” (p. 34)
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
Mr. Ziegler