Important Information
MORNING SNACK: In order to help students avoid confusing lunch and snack items, please place a morning snack in the small front zipper pocket of your child’s backpack (instead of in his/her lunchbox with lunch items). Please show your child where to find his/her morning snack.
We have also found that reusable water bottles are less likely to spill and much easier for your child to identify. Please send a labeled reusable water bottle with your child each day!
Have students ready in the morning with backpacks and lunchboxes ready to exit the vehicle on the driver's side to the sidewalk.
Uniform Reminders
Student uniforms (other than scooters and dresses) require a solid black belt (or the approved plaid belt for girls). Please remind and practice the following steps with your child:
1. After using the bathroom, TUCK the shirt into your shorts/pants first.
2. Zip and button shorts/pants after tucking the shirt in all the way around.
3. Buckle your belt last. Thank you so much for your support!