all about Ms. Pendergraft

Hello There,

My name is Ms. Pendergraft, come September my name will be changing to Ms. Adams. I am so excited to be at Pinnacle Classical Academy as the High School Exceptional Children's Teacher. My teaching background started almost 11 years ago, when I started working at Webb Street School in Gaston County, from there I have worked in Lincoln County, back to Gaston County, and at a charter school in Charlotte. I am a mother to three year old little girl, who is my pride and joy, and I am also a dog mom to a mini doxie (weenie dog) named Nala, after the Loin King. My birthday date is six days before Christmas, December 19th.

Fun things about me: I love Disney, I love music (country, rock, boy bands, pop, and 80s), I absolute love musicals (I have seen Chicago, Wicked, Rock of Ages, Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, Loin King, Legally Blonde, and Rocky Horror Show), I have the biggest sweet tooth ever, I love to travel and explore new places, I am really into Dia de los Muertos (I have multiple sugar skulls in my home) and I absolutely love a good steak and Mexican food.