Upcoming Dates and Events:

 December 23rd -January 1st – Winter-Break- No School

 January 2nd -3rd - Teacher Work Days-No School



This week students will learn the sound and letter shapes for Bouncy Ben, Jumping Jim, Red Robot, Quarrelsome Queen and Vicky Violet. Students will continue reading from our “Seth” readers. We will have a Word Decoding Test on Wednesday, December 18 th . Students will be expected to read words with following letter teams: ch, sh, th, ng, qu, and ck.

Core Knowledge Listening and Learning: 

Our Domain 4: Needs of Plants &Animals Assessment will be on Wednesday, December 18th . Please use the information that has been sent home to help your child review.

 Ready Math: 

We will continue our unit on Shapes. This week students will continue to identify flat and solid shapes, as well as comparing flat and solid shapes based on their attributes.

Important Information

Morning Snack: In order to help students avoid confusing lunch and snack items, please place a morning snack in the small front zipper pocket of your child’s backpack (instead of in his/her lunchbox with lunch items). Please show your child where to find his/her morning snack.

Water Bottles: We have also found that reusable water bottles are less likely to spill and much easier for your child to identify. Please send a labeled reusable water bottle with your child each day!

Drop Off: Have students ready in the morning with backpacks and lunchboxes ready to exit the vehicle on the driver's side to the sidewalk.

Uniforms:  Polos must be tucked in at all times, belt must be worn with shorts and pants, Shoes must be school colors, Students may not wear sandals, flip-flops, clogs, Crocs, Toe-Shoes, mules or boots, ALL coats/jackets/outerwear items must be school colors, NO hooded clothing worn inside the building.