
Salvete, omnes discipuli discipulaeque! 

Final Exam grades are all in the gradebook. Those who will be at the Awards Ceremony on Thursday will be notified in due time. This will include those who earned the highest grade overall and those who won awards on the NLE.

This is the final week of the Semester. All exam grades are put in and you should see your final grade. The times our class will meet this week are as follows.

Monday: 2nd Period: 12:30 - 2:57

Tuesday: 3rd Period: 12:30 - 2:57

Thursday: 1st Period: 12:30 - 2:57


1st Period: 8:05 - 8:55 (50 minutes)

2nd Period: 8:57 - 9:47 (50 minutes)

3rd Period: 9:49 - 11:38 (39 minutes)

Habēte aestātem bonam!