Español - High School

Please note:

Now that we have acquired / reviewed the basis together, this class will now be divided in two groups:

  1. Los Poderos - Español I

  2. Los Eruditos - Español II

Please, consult the tabs for each one of theses classes for Google Class codes, announcements & assignments.

¡Muchas Gracias!

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!

Useful links:

Our class' name: Los Príncipes

Our Google Classroom: Los Príncipes

Our Quizlet Classroom: Los Príncipes

Our class syllabus for the year: High School - Spanish Class Syllabus

Spanish II - Los Eruditos -

Our Google Classroom: Los Eruditos

Our Quizlet Classroom: Los Eruditos

Spanish I - Los Poderosos

Our Google Classroom: Los Poderosos

Our Quizlet Classroom: Los Poderosos

Let's have a wonderful semester!

Corinne Hassani