9th PE/Health




Test/Projects: 50%

Quizzes 20%

Assignments 30% 



Possible Health Modules 

Current Unit: (4/9) First Aid & Emergencies


Health education focuses on the critical issues that directly impact sustainability while fostering a desire for accurate information. The course is designed to provide information needed to make important decisions about health, wellness and individual lifestyle. The overall goal is for students to learn about a wide variety of health topics that will give them the ability to make responsible health decisions throughout life. 

Possible Health Modules 

(Current Units are Bolded/Underlined)

Skeletal/Muscular/Nervous System

 Understanding Health and Wellness 

 Taking Charge of Your Health 

Achieving Mental and Emotional Health 

 Managing Stress and Coping With Loss 

 Mental and Emotional Problems 

 Skills for Healthy Relationships 

 Family Relationships 

Peer Relationships 

Resolving Conflict and Preventing Violence 

 Nutrition for Health 

 Managing Weight and Eating Behaviors 

 Physical Activity and Fitness 

 Personal Health Care 

Skeletal Muscular and Nervous System 

 Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System 

 Medicines and Drugs 


 Illegal Drugs 

Communicable Diseases 

 Non-Communicable Diseases and Disabilities 

 Safety and Injury Prevention 

 First Aid and Emergencies 4/9

Community & Environmental Health 

Possible Physical Ed Units

Current Unit:  (1/8) Baseball 

Possible Physical ED Units 

(Current Units are Bolded/Underlined)
