My Story

The beginning of my teaching career began several years ago!  I was hired in 1997  in Rutherford County (Cliffside Elementary School).   I immediately fell in love with working with small children. I loved everything about what it took to prepare a child for the next grade.  I have taught kindergarten  - second grade.  I taught at Cliffside Elementary School for 27 years! 

It is at this time, that I decided to advance into a new adventure with what I love best!  I was hired at PCA in June of 2023 as a first grade teacher! I have been married for 12 years and we have 3 dogs. I enjoy camping, shopping, crafts and spending time with my family!  I simply can't wait to start this school year with my new babies and their families!  I can't wait to start this adventure with you!

A few of my favorite things:

Color:      Turquoise

Food:       Tacos

Animal:     Dachshund Dogs

   Stores:   Hobby Lobby, Chic-Fil-A,  Fire House Subs & Amazon