About Me

Sipping fresh coconut water in Costa Rica

Ms. Berlin

This is my first year with PCA! I have eight years in non-traditional education (San Diego Zoo Global, science camps, and outdoor schools). I got my undergraduate degree from Gardner-Webb University and my Master's in Teaching Biological Sciences from Project Dragonfly (Miami University). Traveling is one of my favorite hobbies. I have lived all over the country. I've been to six countries and 45 of the 50 states. Actually, just this summer I spent a couple weeks in Costa Rica exploring all the flora and fauna. I look forward to showing your children how fascinating science truly is!

A Few of My Favorite Things

Color: Purple

Hobbies: traveling, reading, pottery, nature

Favorite Movie: Jurassic Park

Favorite Treats: coffee, CEREAL (all types) and more coffee

Favorite Stores: Starbucks, Hobby Lobby, Amazon, and any bookstore

What brings me joy? Plants, my kitten (named Sorrel after the herb), and sunflowers!

Here is the link to my 5th grade science class Amazon Wishlist. Any and all purchases are GREATLY appreciated: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2NJ85BX1VKCNS?ref_=wl_share