Ms. Jankowski's Primary Art

Welcome to Art!

Welcome to the Primary Art Studios for Wexford and Hance Elementary Schools! My name is Jennifer Jankowski or "Ms. J." I am thrilled to be your child's teacher this year. I am confident together we will have a pleasant and productive experience in the art studio!

Art is extremely important in child development and guides children to become responsible, creative, and innovative.

Like play, art helps young children to discern their own world around them. Even when they lack the words to articulate their thoughts and feelings, children can express their personal experiences, feelings, memories, and imagination in meaningful, concrete ways. Art integrates subjects into meaningful themes for understanding. Art allows children to experiment and explore with new media and materials. Children are free to make choices and develop their own preferences as they learn how to put everything together for understanding in art. Children are free to make mistakes and learn from them in art.

I bring to you over 25 years of professional teaching in the elementary and special education classrooms. I feel my greatest strength is my relationship-building with children. Though we will see each other only once weekly, I will always be a friendly face and trusted adult for your child.

As an artist, I have been most intrigued by the artistic process itself. I like to try new things. I have achieved many of my goals and experienced many failures. I want to help your child to connect with the artistic process in a personal way as we work to develop his/her own artistic voice. I want your child to learn how we handle mistakes in the art room.

This year, with our COVID-19 regulations, art will be presented and experienced differently. I will ensure that your child is able to experience our visual art program in a most meaningful, positive way!

At Wexford, I teach all classes in first, second, and third grades including all virtual students from Wexford. At Hance, I teach students in these classes: Mrs. Burnsworth, Miss Newmeyer, Mr. Borgen, Mrs. Jakovac, and Miss Prins.

2020-2021 Individual Student Supply List

Ms. J.'s "Meet the Teacher Night" Slide Show for Parents

Art Assignments

Student Supply List

Please remember to bring your art shirt, smock, or apron.

Together or apart,

We will create AMAZING art

From our memories, imagination, and lots of HEART.

-Ms. J. 2020

Thank you for these gifts of
from the HEART!

I love everything that you create!

We jump for joy when it is time for art!

Want to learn more? Here are many read alouds that you can enjoy!