High School Counseling
High School Counselor - Grades 9-12
High School Counselor - Grades 9-12
If you or someone you know is experiencing thoughts of self harm or suicide please use one of the numbers listed below:
- 24 hour emergency: 911
- Crisis Text Line: Text “MN” to 741741
- Mobile Mental Health Crisis Line: 1-800-523-3333
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Chat: suicidepreventionlifeline.org
- Phone: 1-800-273-8255
- Canvas Health Crisis Services: 651-777-5222 (option 3)
- 24 hr. Cambridge Medical Center Crisis Intervention: 763-689-7887
- LGBTQ Suicide Resource: Trevor Project
- Chat: thetrevorproject.org
- Phone 1-866-488-7386
Please fill out this form to meet with a college representative. The dates and times for each school's visit are listed in the calendar above.
**You must sign up ahead of time.**