BSCC Transcript Request

Request a Transcript

The process for requesting a BSCC transcript changed on December 4, 2020. Online transcript ordering is now available 24/7 through TranscriptsPlus by Credential Solutions. This service enhancement expedites transcript ordering and fulfillment without sacrificing the level of service you have come to expect from Bevill State’s Office of Student Services.

Online ordering dramatically decreases processing time, while electronic sending capability makes delivery virtually instantaneous. Our goal is to streamline the entire process so your transcripts reach their destinations more efficiently, giving you peace of mind by making your application and transfer processes easier. There will be a minimal fee of $5 for each transcript requested. Payment can be made through the Credential Solutions website using a credit or debit card at the time of order.

Click on the Current Students or Former Students Below to begin your transcript request.

As of December 4, 2020, no other form of transcript request will be accepted, including requests from third parties.

Bevill State ID/E-Mail and Password Required

Current students (active students and those enrolled for 18 or more months)

1. Log Into your OneACCS Account

Username: first initial of your first name+your entire last name+last 4 digits of, example:

Password: BSCCmmddyy (BSCC+their six digit date of birth in the format of two digit month + two digit day + two digit year, example: BSCC1012

2. Select Student Tab

3. Select Student Records

  1. Select Order Official Transcript

**** If students are dual enrollment and have conditional credit, their transcript will say conditional credit until Bevill receives their high school transcript and takes those notes off.