
A Tour is an excellent way to raise public interest and engagement through media while serving kids who would otherwise grow old having never experienced a tornado, a welcome shock, the glow of microwaved neon.

New Orleans

In Fall of 2017 the Ithaca Physics Bus and teams from NY and Arizona were invited to present at the American Physical Society March Meeting. APS sponsored five events at schools and Boys & Girls Clubs while we were in the area.

California's Central Valley

Physics Bus West has reached thousands of kids in California's Central Valley since spring of 2022. Powered by the sun, there are 32 exhibits which buzz, whir, spark, and sometimes bang.

Florida, Arizona, Chicago, New York

This whirlwind tour, sponsored by Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences and Education, took the bus from NY down to Florida, then over to Arizona for 14 events at schools, then to the Little Shop of Physics Open House in Ft. Collins, CO, and finally to Chicago where it ended up grounded in a snowstorm before heading home.