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普通物理實驗二 課本 Textbook  (一一二學年度 2024 )

實驗示範影片 Experimental Demonstration Video

普通物理學實驗() 舊版示範 影片
General Physics Laboratory-II  Demonstration Video (Outdated)


The content of the video presents outdated experimental procedures and is intended for reference only. Students are should follow the updated content in the newest textbook for conducting the experiment.

普通物理學實驗(一) 舊版示範 影片
General Physics Laboratory-I  Demonstration Video (Outdated)


The content of the video presents outdated experimental procedures and is intended for reference only. Students are should follow the updated content in the newest textbook for conducting the experiment.

不確定度 Uncertainty of Measurement. 

度量衡單位 The International System of Units (SI)

SI Brochure: The International System of Units (SI) - [Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM)]

法定度量衡單位及前綴詞 - [經濟部標準檢驗局]