Nov. 10th & Nov. 12th


Understanding Molecular Aggregate Photophysics: Spectral Signatures of H-aggregates, J-aggregates and Beyond

National Taiwan University


The spectra of aggregated chromophores contains much information, as the structure of aggregation can be inferred. The speaker of this workshop, Prof. Spano, has been working in this area and has developed much insights that allows us to understand and assign the experimental spectra in the condensed phases. This workshop is suitable for both experimentalists who needs to understand the absorption spectra of molecular aggregrates or solids, and theoretical/computational researchers who are interested in understanding the optical properties of molecules.

根據分子在聚集狀態下的光譜,可以獲得相當多的訊息,例如分子堆積的結構。很高興邀請到 Spano 教授來擔任這個工作坊的講者。Spano教授在這個領域,聚集分子的光譜,深耕多年,有相當多有用的洞見。這個工作坊很適合需要了解份子在聚集狀態、固態下的吸收光譜的實驗學家,也很適合在對分子光學性質感興趣的理論計算學家。

Invited Speaker

Frank Spano, Department of Chemistry, Temple University

Understanding Molecular Aggregate Photophysics I:Vibronic Coupling in H- and J-Aggregates

I. Classic Kasha/Frenkel Theory: Coulomb coupled H- and J- aggregates

II. The Importance of Vibronic Coupling : The Frenkel-Holstein Hamiltonian

III. Vibronic Signatures of H- and J-aggregates

IV. Examples: Polymers, Carotenoid Aggregates, etc

V. Summary

Understanding Molecular Aggregate Photophysics II: Intermolecular Charge Transfer and HJ-aggregates

I. Electronic Coupling in π-stacks: Interferences Between Short- and Long range Couplings

II. HJ-Aggregates and “Null”-Aggregates

III. Implications for Tetraazaterrylene (TAT)

IV. N-Phenyl –PDI and tetraphenyl-PDI: Hj and hJ-aggregates

V. Summary and Outlook