The Future is DARK

1st NCTS TG2.1 Hsinchu Hub Workshop

June 29th - July 1st, 2021


In this first installment of the NCTS TG2.1 Hsinchu Hub Workshop we will discuss recent developments for

  • Neutrinos

  • Dark Matter

  • Gravitational Waves

and their interplay. All three are messengers of the dark universe shedding insights into its secrets.

Date:June 29th, 2021 - July 1st, 2021

Invited Speakers

Yuki Inoue (NCU)
Jong-Wan Lee (Pusan Nat'l U.)
Josef Pradler (ÖAW)
Sunny Seo (CUP-IBS)
Jiro Soda (Kobe U.)
Yvonne Y. Y. Wong (UNSW)

Organizing Committee

We-Fu Chang (NTHU)
Kingman Cheung (NTHU)
David Lin (NYCU)
Guey-Lin Lin (NYCU)
Martin Spinrath (NTHU)
Tse-Chun Wang (NCTS)
Zeren Simon Wang (NTHU)

Workshop Poster