The Western Eye 2022

Student Photography Competition

The Western Eye Contest is open to all Maricopa Community College Students.


  • Photos must have been taken between Nov 2021 through Nov 2022.

  • Submitted Photographs:

      • May be color, black & white, hand-colored, alternative process, and/or digital images

      • Image Resolution must be between 1920 to 3840 pixels in any direction, at 72ppi, any orientation is acceptable

      • Selected work must be framed & ready to hang. Print quality, color balance must match online submission.

      • Accepted File Formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG

      • Maximum file size must be 20MB or smaller

      • Image Files must be named with the following naming convention: FirstNameLastName-ArtworkTitle-# Example: JaneDoe-Sunset-01

  • Past winners may not submit previously entered photographs.

  • ThisyearsjudgeisArizonabasedphotojournalistThomasMachowicz


  • 1st Place - $150.00

  • 2nd Place - $100.00

  • 3rd Place - $50.00

Exhibition Opens: NOV 14, 2022

Submitting Work

  • Submission fee is $20.00 for up to three photographic entries, $3 for each additional entry. Limit is 5 total.

  • Virtual Submissions of work to be judged are due from 10/31/22 to 11/2/22.

  • Winners will be notified by phone/email on 11/5/22.

  • Winners will deliver work Monday 11/7/22 to 11/9/22 between10:00AM-6:00PM in the Eric Fischl Gallery at Phoenix College.

  • All juried photographs will be displayed in the Eric Fischl Gallery located in the ART building at Phoenix College. Exhibition runs from 11/14/22 to 12/1/22

Note: Information about paying the submission fee is included with your receipt or you may use the link below. Please, use the same name and email address you used on the entry form to pay the submission fee.

For more information please contact: or call 602.285.7272.

The Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) is an EEO/AA institution and an equal opportunity employer of protected veterans and individuals with disabilities. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or national origin. A lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the career and technical education programs of the District.
The Maricopa County Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities.