Effective Strategies for Technology Integration:

Grades K-3 Social Studies

Vocabulary Activities Templates HERE

Strategies to Promote Student Engagement

Images to Represent Ideas

Students will identify the effect of local geography on residents of a region (food, clothing, industry, trade, types of shelter, etc.) with images using Google Arts and Culture to represent ideas.

Virtually Experience Community & Culture

Students experience a tour using Google MyMap that outlines roles of community workers to construct knowledge around how people in a community contribute to a common goal.

Construct  Knowledge by Comparing

Students will view examples and collaboratively identify advertisements that encourage us to buy things based on want rather than need using SMART Lumio Graphic Organizers.

Strategies to Promote Discussion and Collaboration

Sort & Talk

Students work in small groups or whole class to discuss and sort  how to dress appropriately. >> Hot vs cold weather clothing

See example HERE.

Utilize Visuals to Communicate

Students will collaboratively define fairness by sharing images captured on iPads to visually communicate their understanding.

Provide Virtual Peer Feedback

Students will provide feedback to the work of their peers using the collaborative tools like the Comments feature on Google Docs or Slides to develop critical thinking and communication skills.

Strategies to Promote Higher-Order Thinking

Analyze History in Collaborative Virtual Workspaces

Students analyze causes and effects of historical conflict in the community within grade level content using SMART Lumio Handouts and Workspaces to create and collaborate ideas.

Construct Knowledge with Google Maps

Students will apply geographic knowledge and skills within a given region using Google Maps in order to construct knowledge and build understanding.

Develop Persuasive Advertisements

Students will create commercials with Clips or Screencastify for advertisements that encourage consumers to buy things based on want rather than need.

Examples of Creative Projects and Products


Students will create a Google Slides presentation to display a series of pictures to represent how things have changed over time, (ex. technology, fashion, artifacts in everyday life, etc.).

Visually Communicate ideas

Students identify and share information about a cultural holiday or celebration by contributing to a Jamboard to visually communicate their ideas. 

Digital Timeline

Students will create an outline and timeline of important events in a historical figure's life using Google MyMaps and Slides.