SMART Board Upgrade

Summer 2024

This summer, the District will upgrade the computer component in all SMART Boards to ensure every classroom has the most up-to-date capabilities. This will extend the life and use of your SMART Boards and bring exciting new features to your classrooms including:

During the update, the computer component in your SMART board will be replaced with a new updated model. Any saved files on the board will no longer be available. Most teachers do not save content on the board so this only affects those who do.  Anything saved in Google Drive or Lumio will still be available on those platforms. If you have files saved to your board that you want to keep, please follow the directions in the video below to save them to your Google Drive or a flash drive. If you need support saving your files, please reach out to 

Connecting Your Macbook and Backing Up SMART Board

Summer 2024 SMARTboard

Troubleshooting Your Macbook When Connected to SMARTboard and Lumio

Trouble Shooting

Doc Camera with Board

Elmo Doc Cams on AM 60
SMART Doc Cams on AM 60
Hover Solo 8+ Doc Cams on AM 60
Hover Ultra 8 Doc Cams on AM 60
Ladybug Doc Cams on AM 60