
Writing down or drawing out your thoughts and feelings can help increase feelings of calm and help to brainstorm what to do when you're feeling sad, scared, angry or overwhelmed.

No need to print these - pick a topic, scroll through and think about or write down what comes to mind!


Challenges can make us even STRONGER!

Sometimes things are hard and unfair. We may have challenges that make us feel sad and even mad. It is okay to feel sad, frustrated, disappointed or angry.


It's OKAY to make mistakes! Everybody does!

Check out some of the ideas here. Remember, mistakes happen! We all make mistakes, and guess what? Mistakes help us learn!!

SEL Activity 3 things you know.pdf

You are SMART!

Did you recently learn a new dance on tiktok? Master your favorite song? Learn a trick, joke, or new skill at school? Think of some things you are glad to know!

SEL Activity - Mind Wander Writing.pdf

You are BRAVE!

Take some time to think about things that may scare other people but that don't scare you, or something you've never tried before but think you'd like to!

SEL Activity - 10 minute Joy (writing prompts).pdf

You are KIND!

If you'd like, take a couple of minutes to think about what 's happening right now. What do you hear? What do you see that you may not have noticed?

SDP Teachers, click here for text edit version via google slides