Historically Responsive Education (Muhammad, 2020)

Historically Responsive Education (Muhammad, 2020)

Introduction and table adapted from: Muhammad, G, (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. Scholastic, Inc.

Intellect: The lessons advance students' knowledge of content.

  • Students will learn that laws and rules are an important part of communities and must be fair for all people.

Skills: The lessons advance students' content area skills and proficiencies.

  • As identified in the priority standards, students will be able to ask and answer questions about the text and complete a narrative writing task.

Identity: The lesson advances students' knowledge and affirmation of self and others.

  • Students how their lives are governed by rules and laws.

  • Students see how unfair rules and laws can harm communities.

Criticality: The lessons advance students' understanding of oppression, equity, and anti-racism.

  • Students will understand that rules and laws can be used to oppress members of certain communities and that students can use their voices to fight that oppression.

Joy: The lessons advance students' happiness by elevating beautiful and thoughtful images, representations and narrative about self and others.

  • Texts include actions of bravery and triumph.

  • Students will get to share the ways in which they can make their community a happier and better place.