2nd Grade Supply List

Happy beginning of the school year!! Below is the supply list for our virtual learning.  We look forward to the exciting year. Please have supplies ready. 

5 composition copybooks (Morning Meeting, Math, Reading, Writing, Science/Social Studies)

12 pencils

Pencil sharpener

Post-it notes (any color)

Highlighter (2 colors)

Big eraser

Dry erase board - personal size

Dry erase markers - 3 colors

Sock or eraser for dry erase

1 pack of crayons (24 pack)

1 pair of headphones or earbuds with microphone for meetings

1 pencil case - put everything in at end of day so everything is together

A quiet space at a table or desk to do assignments and attend meetings.

Thank you,

2nd Grade Team

Ms. Carson


Mr. Hickman


Ms. Park


Mr. Caldwell, LS


Ms. Jost, AS


Mrs. Rhindress, ESOL
