Guidance for Learners of English & Students Receiving Special Education Programming

The Pennsylvania Department of Education states:

"Future Ready PA evidence should be individualized to meet student needs and learning styles and can be adapted for specific student populations. Students with special needs can include meeting transition or life-skills acquisition goals as evidence.  The IEP or transition plan itself is not acceptable evidence, but progress monitoring data and any artifacts generated in student work toward the completion of the goals are acceptable."

The Office of Multilingual Curriculum and Programs and The Office of Specialized Services will work collaboratively with The Office of Academic Supports and other school district departments to support the appropriate implementation of Naviance for Learners of English and students with disabilities. CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW FOR GUIDANCE. 


SPECIAL POPULATIONS- All scope and sequence documents have been updated to include guidance for students with disabilities . Please note that most students with disabilities can complete Naviance with their usual supports in place. A special scope and sequence (below) has been developed for STUDENTS WITH COMPLEX NEEDS ONLY and teachers will be responsible for completing this task for these students in Naviance.  Questions should be directed to Laquenta Montanez, in the Office of Specialized Services.


This video tutorial shows teachers and SPECMs how to complete the Complex Needs Assessment. This survey will need to be completed each quarter. If you have further questions about how to complete this survey in Naviance please contact: