PE Evaluation/Performance Requirements
Each student begins the marking period with an A.
Being unprepared for class (see the Being Prepared page) will result in 2-5 points being deducted from their daily 20-point total.
Students who do not participate in class instruction or demonstrate a lack of sportsmanship, cooperation, or respect for themselves or others will have points deducted from the daily 20-point total.
Behavior in Phys Ed is fundamental. Maintaining a safe and educational atmosphere is critical to student growth. Students must respect themselves, others, and the classroom.
Health Evaluation/Grading
Student Health grades will depend upon participation in class, student assignments, and behavior.
Due dates on assignments are important. If you turn in something late it may or may not be taken for credit. Given that most assignments are online in Google Classroom, students may complete these at any time. There will be an ample amount of time to finish assignments in class, use it wisely!
Participation/Behavior grades will be given every day in class for 20 points.
Assignment grades will be given sporadically throughout the marking period and be worth a different amount of grade points depending on the assignment (group, partner, project).
Parents, if you would like to join our google classroom to see assignments, please email me so I can add you to your child's classroom. You can also check your child's grade at the district website/grade book using their login information.