
5th Grade Exhibition


The 5th grade Exhibition is the culminating project for PYP students. The purpose of the Exhibition is to provide an opportunity for students to display the skills they have been learning as Primary Years Programme students. This year’s focus is on the Transdisciplinary Theme: How the World Works.

Students researched an issue of local and/ or global importance that supports the Central Idea: Individuals throughout the world work together for a common good. A major goal of this year’s Exhibition is for students to convince others to take some form of positive action in their community by educating them. Students worked collaboratively to prepare presentations and in the process, they developed their skills in conducting, assessing, and presenting research.

There has been a healthy level of enthusiasm and energy in the classrooms, hallways and digital classrooms. It is encouraging to see students so engaged in their learning and so supportive of each other. We are excited to share all of our students' hard work. Thank you for your continuous support. We hope you enjoy the exhibition as much as we have enjoyed the process!
