Parties and celebrations are a big part of a school’s culture. Try these healthy ways to celebrate birthdays, holidays, and other special events that will put the focus on the FUN not the Food!
Try these fun and tasty snack ideas at your next celebration
Fruit Kabobs
Cut up an assortment of fresh fruit and allow students to string them on a skewer, then roll in low-fat yogurt and sprinkle with coconut flakes or grape nut cereal for added crunch!
Tortilla chips & salsa
Add extra fiber and nutrients to your favorite jarred salsa by adding frozen or canned corn and canned black beans. Remember to rinse canned veggies and beans before eating to cut down on salt content.
Trail mix Station
Let students make their own energy-packed snack by creating a combination of ingredients that may include pretzels, whole-grain cereal, dried fruit and pumpkin seeds.
Air Popped Popcorn
Nothing says “party” like fresh air-popped popcorn! Instead of butter and salt try topping with parmesan cheese or taco seasoning.
Fruit "sundae" bowls
Fill a waffle cone bowl with fresh-cut fruit topped with a dollop of low-fat yogurt and granola.
Fruit Fizzies
Mix half part 100% fruit juice with half part plain or flavored sparkling water.
Focus on Fun not Food:
Try these fun celebration ideas with no food required!
Activity Jar
In the beginning of the year compile activity ideas from students and place in a jar. The birthday student gets to select 1-2 activities from the jar on their special day; activities can be enjoyed by the whole class or just the birthday student.
Special Guest Reader
Student donates a book to their classroom with their name and birthday written in it. Student may invite a family member to be a guest reader to read the book. OR student brings their favorite book to school for the teacher to read to the class.
Teacher's Helper
Student becomes teacher’s helper for the day, serves as line leader and may even read a story to younger students.
Have inexpensive “gifts” on hand, such as pencils, stickers, magnets, or buttons.
Pajama or hat day
Student can wear a hat or pajamas to school on their birthday.
Special Memory or Toy
Student brings a special item to school and shares with classmates.
Birthday Gear
Designate a special item for students to wear on their birthday, such as a crown, sash, or homemade t-shirt.
Birthday Sign
Post a sign in the class or on a bulletin board outside of class where birthdays can be announced, photographs may be included.
Create homemade birthday cards! Have the class share the cards via the webcam at the same time.
Shout out
Include birthday wishes during daily morning announcements
Scavenger Hunt
Students search for items or information hidden in the classroom or around the school, related to the holiday or theme
Pumpkin math - students work in groups to estimate the number of pumpkin seeds they think they will find in their pumpkin, then carve and count the seeds. Decorate a mask or paint pumpkins.
Make a garland of gratitude by having students write things they are grateful for on paper leaves. String the leaves together and use to decorate the classroom.
Winter Holidays
Create snowflakes using white paper and decorate the classroom with them.
Valentine's Day
Students each write something nice about their classmates on an index card. Decorate Valentine’s boxes and distribute the cards.
Dance Party
Tie in a holiday theme such as learning an Irish dance step for St. Patrick’s Day. Attend-dance parties may be held to celebrate students with perfect attendance.
Teams pick a country to represent, then compete in either academic or physical challenges, or both!
Service Project
Make cards for residents at a senior home or hospital patients, decorate pillow cases to donate to homeless shelter.
Nature Walk
Contact a local park or nature center and bring students on a walk through the trails.
End of Year Collage Party
Students bring in magazines, craft items, and photographs to create a collage of favorite memories of the school year
School wide/family events
Fit Friday
Host a Fit Friday assembly, monthly or quarterly, to encourage students to get up and move ‘together.’ Each grade will be given around 30 minutes to follow a teacher-led activity. Check out this video to see how Anne Frank gets students excited for the event!
Family Cooking Night
Click here to learn out how you can join Eat Right Philly’s next virtual family cooking night! OR host your own by choosing a healthy recipe to create and taste. Students can draw their best healthy holiday food, share their favorite recipes, and even cook with their families!
Movie Night
Everyone loves a night at the movies. Invite students and families to come watch the next blockbuster at a school-wide movie showing. Utilize outdoor space by choosing an evening in spring or fall and use a projector and screen to show the movie.
Game Show
Host a virtual game show! Students can challenge each other to online or in-person games. Add a fun twist for the holidays or student’s birthday(s) with related trivia questions.
Virtual Award Ceremony
Celebrate classrooms with a virtual award ceremony. Create e-certificates on Canva and announce winners during a virtual award ceremony. Encourage acceptance speeches from teachers and students!