Call for papers

Abstracts are invited from all areas of theoretical linguistics, including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, language acquisition and historical linguistics. Submissions from other areas of linguistics will also be considered, provided that the theoretical significance of the paper is clearly demonstrated in the abstract.

We invite abstracts for

  • a 25-minute oral presentation, followed by 5 minutes of discussion
  • a poster presentation

Workshop on Number, Numerals and Plurality

Invited speaker: Scott Grimm (University of Rochester)

In connection with the SinFonIJA conference, we invite abstracts for a special workshop on topics related to number, numerals, and plurality.

There are many ways in which number, as a cognitive category (Dehaene 2011), and different quantificational operations can be incorporated into grammars of natural languages. The research on interpretation of grammatical number has demonstrated the complexity of the mapping between semantics and morphology (e.g., Sauerland 2003, Spector 2007, Zweig 2009, Farkas & de Swart 2010, Grimm 2012). Similar, the study of form and meaning of numerals has shown the intricacy of the compositional mechanism deriving numerical quantification (e.g., Scha 1981, Krifka 1999, Landman 2003, Fox & Hackl 2006, Ionin & Matushansky 2006, Kennedy 2015, Rothstein 2017). This workshop primarily targets contributions that enhance our understanding of the relationship between the semantic notion of plurality and formal properties of different types of structures that might be used to refer to plural entities. We invite papers that examine morphosyntactic, semantic and pragmatic issues within the following areas of linguistic inquiry:

  • numerals and complex numerical expressions
  • numeral modifiers
  • mass/count distinction
  • number systems
  • classifier constructions
  • measure phrases
  • collective nouns
  • coordination structures
  • cumulative, collective, and distributive interpretations of syntactic structures

We encourage both empirical and theoretical investigations. Above all, we welcome typological and experimental approaches.


April 1 2019


April 21 2019


June 16 2019


  • abstracts should be in a PDF format
  • please indicate in the submission form whether you want your abstract considered for the main session (talk/poster) or the workshop
  • submissions are restricted to a maximum of one single-authored and one co-authored abstract (or two co-authored abstracts)
  • they should be no longer than 2 pages of A4, a font size 12
  • at the top of the 1st page only the title will be given, abstracts must be anonymous

Please submit your abstract only through the EasyChair system: follow this link.