Expectations & Exit Policy


Students are expected to try their best both in the Enrichment class and in their regular homerooms. Performance in both settings should demonstrate their full potential. Critical thinking, task commitment, quality of work, and the ability to collaborate with others are especially important. The school’s General Learner Outcomes should be consistently demonstrated.

Exit Policy

A student can be exited from the Enrichment Program for the following reasons:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Poor work habits
  • Negative attitude
  • Difficulty working with others
  • Parent request
  • Inability to keep up with work in the regular class or Enrichment
  • Chronic absences or tardies

Before a student is exited, the following steps are taken:

  • 1st warning: Student is counseled about his/her work or attitude
  • 2nd warning: Administration will be notified. Student will be counseled. Parents are notified.
  • 3rd warning: Parents are notified again. If no improvement is shown within 2 weeks, student will be exited