Parishville-Hopkinton Central School District
Counseling and Community Schools
Information and Resources
CHECK-IN with Counselors
We would love for each student to do a check-in each week by completing the Counseling Check-In Form. You may also use this form if you are in need of assistance from any of the counselors and would like a check-in to be completed at any time. We wish you all well and hope you remember to check in with us periodically or when you need it.
It is important that we all work together as a community during this time of uncertainty. The counseling department at PHCS has compiled a list of resources that are currently available to the public that we will do our best to keep updated throughout this situation. We will also be sure to post any useful information here, such as websites you can use, techniques that can be helpful with managing the stress of a crisis, tips for getting through a crisis, and more. Please be sure to check back regularly for new things that will be added as we come across them. If you are in need of any assistance from our counselors during this time, please use the Helpdesk form (link posted below) or reach out to any of the counselors directly by email.
New Yorkers can call the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline at 1-844-863-9314 for mental health counseling
April Fullerton, LMHC
School Mental Health CounselorCommunity Schools
Phone: (315) 265-4642 Ext 24237