
Prep Academy Grading Guidelines

All homework and class assignments are expected to be submitted on the due date. If an assignment is not submitted on the due date and a child is present for class, then the following extension is given:

1 day late - Student loses 10% of the overall grade

2 days late - Student loses 15% of the overall grade

3 days late - Students loses 20% of the overall grade

No assignments are accepted after the third day past the deadline. Students who do not submit an assignment on time or within the three-day extension period will receive a grade of 0 and the assignment cannot be made up.

Students who are absent on the day an assignment is due are expected to submit the assignment the day they return to school.

Assignments that have not been submitted on the due date will be marked as missing in Skyward.

Book Room

PHCSE is proud to announce our new book room is now up and running! The book room is organized by reading level, so teachers are able to work with scholars to select the perfect book for each student. Scholars are allowed to check out a book weekly to read during independent reading time in their classrooms. We hope the book room helps to foster a love of books and reading in each and every one of our scholars.