Rental Agreement

Pascagoula High School Performing Arts Center/Singing River Academy Auditorium

Rental Information and Agreement

Auditorium (per day/2-3 days/4-7 days)

The above rates are single-use rates for the rental of the space only.  Additional costs for lighting, audio, and labor (including venue set-up and restore) will be determined by the PAC Coordinator after consultation with the Renter and Sound and Lighting Engineer.  

Additional Spaces Available (4-hour block of time)

Labor - per hour (any fraction of an hour constitutes a full hour of charges - 4 hour minimum)


Each event must engage, at minimum, the PAC Coordinator.  In addition, PAC staff must be engaged to operate sound, lighting, and theatrical equipment (if required) and other front-of-house duties if the event involves a performance.  Additional labor and equipment requirements will be determined by the PAC Coordinator based on the needs and nature of the event.


Your Rental Agreement Includes:





Fire, Police, and Security Requirements

The Pascagoula High School Performing Arts Center and Singing River Academy Auditorium reserve the right to require fire, police, or other security personnel for events.  The need shall be determined based on the time, place, and type of event, anticipated crowd size and any extraordinary requests from the Renter.  Renter is responsible for all applicable charges.  If an artist contract requires security, the Renter must contact the Performing Arts Center Coordinator for approval before securing outside security agencies.