Q: How often will students have instrumental music?

A: Instrumental music classes will be scheduled 2x/week, in 30 minute pull-out classes. Ms. Siwak will make sure to communicate with all 4th and 5th grade teachers about when those classes will be and stay in contact to make sure students are not falling behind in their general subjects. The schedule will be rotated throughout the day so that students are not missing the same time period each week. The days of the week that students will need to bring their instruments will stay consistent throughout the year.

MAGNOLIA: Mon/Wed/Fri      LAMONT: Tues/Thurs

Q: What supplies will students need for instrumental music class?

A: Primarily, students will need to bring their instrument and their book to each class. It is preferred that students bring their own pencil and a folder designated for instrumental music, in the event that Ms. Siwak has handouts for students to take home. Students do NOT need to bring their music stands to school.

Q: Is instrumental music a required class?

A: NO, instrumental music is an elective class that students can choose to participate in.

Q: Can students sign up at any point during the school year for instrumental music?

A: NO, instrumental music registration is only open until September 24th, 2021.

Q: Is instrumental music a graded class?

A: YES, instrumental music is a graded class that will go on your child's report card. For information about the grading breakdown and other class details, please see the class syllabus.

Q: What performance opportunities will my student have this year?

A: We are hoping to have full Winter and Spring Concerts this year, in addition to putting on casual concert opportunities for the younger elementary students.