Website of the Italian Class @ Fort Foote ES - SY 22/23

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back to you all for school year 2022/2023. I am really grateful for this return to school in person for all of our students, because I believe it will make a difference in each child's learning.
In this website you will find resources, information, and updates about the Italian class at our school. You will also find facts and curiosities about the Italian language and culture.

I hope the resources in this website will be useful for you and your child, and I look forward to continue working with your child in this exciting learning adventure!

Mrs. Saccani

Bears, remember who you are!

The Bear Pledge

I’m proud to be a Bear that never gives up.

I pledge to be the best I can be, in school and to those around me.

I will show respect for my school, community, and my friends.

I will take responsibility for my actions, words, and my learning.

I can make a difference if I promise to try.




Fort Foote ES phone #: (301) 749-4230 (room #16)

What's happening in Italy?

March 25, 2021 marks the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri, the "supreme poet". Explore Dante with the many resources offered on the website of the Italian Language Creativity in the World.

Easter is one of the biggest religious holidays in Italy. Read about the different local traditions.

How Italians celebrate Carnevale, from North to South.

News and events

Explore the resources offered by the Italian Embassy in Washington DC.

Important documents

Classroom rules and expectations

Each student is required to participate in the Italian classroom based on his/her schedule.

During the Italian class each child is expected to maintain an appropriate, responsible and respectful behavior and participate in all learning activities.

Please review with your child at home our classroom rules:

  1. No talking without permission. Raise your hand for permission to talk.

  2. Stay in your assigned seat unless you have permission.

  3. Respect your classmates and your teacher.

  4. Keep hands, feet and object to yourself.

  5. Be responsible: do your work and participate.

Grading policy