
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Talented and Gifted (TAG) Office, is committed to identifying and serving talented and gifted learners adherent to evidenced-based research and in compliance with the Maryland State Department of Education COMAR regulations.

Each year, Prince George’s County Public Schools provides universal testing and screening for Grade 1 students. Modifications to our standard identification procedures have been necessary due to the pandemic for school year 2020-2021.

Copy of TAG Website - SY 2020-2021 TAG Screening Information

TAG Identification and Screening Overview

The following protocols are used to identify PGCPS students to receive talented and gifted (TAG) services.

Selection for TAG services is based on the assessment of a variety of objective and subjective factors which are aligned to and meet the National Association of Gifted Children Exemplary Standards. All test scores are valid for two years. The multiple criteria include:

Universal screening

    • All students are tested in grades 1 and 3 with a cognitive ability assessment.

    • Test data is valid for two years.

Multiple criteria

    • Cognitive ability assessment (Otis-Lennon School Ability Test)

    • Reading achievement assessment (PARCC district norm or MAP-R national percentile - grades 3 and up)

    • Math achievement assessment (PARCC district norm or Math Inventory national percentile - grade 3 and up)

    • Characteristics and Behaviors of Gifted Learner Teacher Survey

    • Report card grades (math, science, social studies, and reading)

Multiple opportunities

    • all students in grades one and three are tested as the initial phase of the screening process

    • new registrants may also be tested in grades 2, and 4 through 7.

    • Test scores are valid for two years and can be used to rescreen students based on teacher, parent, or self-nomination.

    • Grade 5, 6 and 7 students may be retested with a new cognitive ability assessment if at least one of the reading or math achievement scores (PARCC, MAP-R, and MI) is within eligible range.


    • Test Nomination - all students scoring above the 81st percentile on the cognitive ability assessment are nominated to be screened by the school-based TAG Coordinator.

    • Parent Nomination – parents may nominate students to be screened for TAG services by notifying the school based TAG Coordinator in writing. The parent nomination window is Sept. 5 – Jan. 15.

    • Teacher/Staff Nomination – teachers and school staff may nominate students to be screened for TAG services by notifying the school based TAG Coordinator in writing. The teacher nomination window is Sept. 5 – Nov. 15.

    • Self-nomination – a PGCPS student may nominate him/herself to be screened for TAG services by notifying the school based TAG Coordinator in writing. The student nomination window is Sept. 5 – Nov. 15.

School based TAG committee review

    • a team of school-based professional educators, lead by the TAG Coordinator, will review and analyze all available data regarding placement recommendations and submit documentation to the TAG Office for review and final determination.


    • Yearly TAG rescreens are initiated and monitored by the TAG Office.

    • Rescreening does not include retesting.

To learn more about The Otis Lennon School Ability Assessment:

Steps in the Screening/Re-screening process:

  • Parent/Student/Teacher completes Request Form using the link.

  • Coordinator starts the paperwork, a matrix, using any available data.

  • Teachers will then complete a Teacher Checklist after 4-6 weeks of observation of the student in their classrooms.

  • Quarter one grades will be used to complete the matrix.

  • A SIT/TAG Committee meeting will convene to determine whether or not the student is a viable candidate for testing.

  • Coordinator will make a request to the TAG Office for the test needed.

  • Coordinator will determine a testing date and notify students/parents.

  • Test will be administered and sent back for evaluation.

  • Upon arrival of the test results the coordinator will then complete the matrix and submit to the TAG Office for final approval.

  • Students/Parents will then be notified by the coordinator with a letter stating the student either qualified for services or not.

Any questions regarding this process should be directed to the TAG Coordinator,

Parents/Students/Teachers who wish to have a student screened for TAG identification should follow the directions below.

  • Parent/Student/Teacher requests screening by sending an email to:


        • Subject line of email: TAG Screening Request

        • Body of email: I am (parent of/teacher of) (student name). I am requesting that (child) be screened for potential TAG identification.

  • Fill out and submit the Google Form embeded below.

Admin Procedure 6142.2.pdf