Longfields Elementary School

Principal: Carmen L. Bell

TAG Coordinator: Erica Bair

(301) 817-0455

The Talented and Gifted (TAG) program at Longfields Elementary provides students with opportunities to learn in ways that tap into their diverse gifts, which would not be available within a traditional classroom. The TAG program at Longfields is a full day, enriched and intensive instructional program that meets the unique and specialized needs of our highly able students. 

While all students require rigorous instruction, our gifted students approach learning differently. In order to ensure our students are provided with rigorous instruction that both challenge and engage our students, the staff participate in countless hours of professional development geared specifically toward enhancement of their pedagogical practice as it relates to talented and gifted students.  

2024 EGATE School Video 

LES EGATE Video 2023-2024
LES TAG Center Virtual Tour Spring 2021.webm

LES 2021 Virtual Tour

Longfields Elementary Virtual Program Tour.webm

LES Virtual Tour 2020

Student Panel at the End of Video Segment!