6th Grade: Ms. Romanda Thompson (Co-Chair)

7th Grade: Ms. Marcia Holmes (Co-Chair)

8th Grade: Ms. Danielle Palmer

Scheduling Concerns:

Please email Latoya Tolbert


IEP Request/Concerns:

Please email Ms. JerMarra Jones 

504 Plan Request/Concerns:

Grade Level Counselor

PGCPS 504 Parent Site

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young adults and for every youth suicide it is estimated that 100 to 200 others attempt suicide. Young adulthood is a time when many people experience significant stress from life transitions such as gaining more independence and responsibility when moving from home and beginning college or a career.

That's why this September for #SuicidePreventionAwarenessMonth, we’re focusing on resiliency – a key skill to learn and develop when it comes to preventing suicide and coping with a pandemic. It allows you to face a problem or challenge, overcome it, and get back to life a little bit stronger and a little bit wiser. Take a look at the resources below to learn How does a safety plan help keep kids from harming themselves?, When is it appropriate to make a safety plan for a child or teen?, and What is the parents' role in a safety plan?

Suicide Prevention 

Anti-Bullying Month Activity

October is National Bullying Prevention Month 

Unity Day: Wear Orange Date TBD 

Students will have an opportunity to write positive messages to victims of bullying. This activity will be school wide and messages will be posted in the hallway.

Please visit the Bullying Prevention tab at the top of this page

Does your child need a safe & fun ENVIRONMENT to Grieve a loved one

Check out the Comfort Zone Camp

¿Su hijo necesita un AMBIENTE seguro y divertido para llorar a un ser querido?

Echa un vistazo al Campamento Comfort Zone


Suicide Prevention 

Suicide is preventable. Youth who are thinking about suicide frequently give warning signs. Please see the attached documents to learn about suicide risk factors, warning signs and how to help. If you or someone you know is suicidal, get help immediately via 911, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK or the Crisis Text Line (text "HOME" to 741741). 

Visit our PGCPS Mental Health webpage for more information and resources for students, parents and staff including:

Prevención del Suicidio

El suicidio es prevenible. Los jóvenes que están pensando en suicidarse frecuentemente dan señales de advertencia. Consulte los documentos adjuntos para conocer los factores de riesgo de suicidio, las señales de advertencia y cómo ayudar. Si usted o alguien que conoce tiene tendencias suicidas, obtenga ayuda de inmediato a través del 911, la Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio al 1-800-273-TALK o la Línea de Texto de Crisis (envíe "HOME" al 741741).

Visite nuestra página web de Salud Mental de PGCPS para obtener más información y recursos para estudiantes, padres y personal, incluidos:

Servicios de crisis del condado de Prince George (incluye equipo móvil de crisis): 301-429-2185

Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio: Llame al 1-800-273-8255 (HABLAR)

Línea de texto de crisis: Envíe HOME al 741741

Maryland: llame al 2-1-1 o envíe un mensaje de texto con su código postal al 898-211

Línea de información de Safe Schools Maryland: llame al 1-833-MD-B-Safe o descargue la aplicación

Preventing Youth Suicide_Tips for Parents and Educators (Spanish).pdf
Preveting Youth Suicide_Tips for Parents and Educators (English) .pdf
Suicidio y LGBTQ Youth (2021) (Spanish).pdf
Suicide & LGBTQ Youth (2021) (English).pdf

Fatherhood Program being offered by the Department of Family Services 

Fatherhood Program 1 (003).docx