Course Descriptions

Foods & Clinical Nutrition- 1 credit- 1year

Grades 10, 11 & 12 

Foods and Clinical Nutrition is a career and technical education course. A fun way to learn about foods, its nutrients and how it affects the body positively and negatively. A pathway to higher education and careers in the field of foods, research and medicine. 

Hands on cooking projects are part of the course to educate and motivate students with cooking skills and develop knowledge and skill for a healthier lifestyle. Students will learn the different tools in the study of nutrition like interpreting Nutrient Fact Labels, calculating nutrient values of foods and writing nutrition information of foods. Preparing and serving foods with given directions for Diabetes, heart patients and diets associated with many chronic health issues.

Financial Literacy - 1/2 Credit - 1 Semester

Grades 10, 11 & 12

This course is required for graduation. Students learn the foundational skills to understand all aspects of their financial lives and make sound financial decisions now and in the future. Lessons include creating a budget, banking, investing, financing college, credit, and taxes, identity theft etc. Students can earn a financial literacy certificate. 

"Financial literacy is incredibly important. You are going to use every single lesson you learn in this class for the rest of your life because money is our common denominator.