College Career Research and Development

College Career Research and Development (formerly Work Study) is a graduation completer program with emphasis in work-based learning.  The program is designed for students interested in exploring the world of work and preparing for college or a career. This is a two-year program that begins in the student's Junior year.  The second year of study is only available to Seniors who plan to have a half-day academic schedule and work part-time (paid or unpaid). These students may earn up to four credits toward graduation.

College Career Research and Development (CCRD) is designed so that students attend a one-period class along with other graduation requirement courses.  The CCRD II course is scheduled in the morning so that students may report to a supervised work site in the afternoon.  Current CCRD students are employed in the federal government, law offices, medical offices, retail stores, hospitals, daycare facilities, insurance agencies, etc.  Course content includes career planning, job search techniques, portfolio development, college preparation, money management, human relations skills, and much, much more.  Please read the Enrollment Criteria and Student Regulations (below) before registering.

   Contact Person:

Mrs. Cogle

(301)513-5400, Ext. 82318

Course Description:


Enrollment Criteria:

Maryland Career Clusters  

Career clusters are groupings of interrelated occupations that represent the full range of career opportunities in key economic sectors of Maryland’s economy.  The career clusters provide a “road map” for students . . . in planning for and pursuing further education and careers through pathways.  Maryland's career clusters are: 

Source: Maryland State Department of Education, Career Clusters

Student Regulations and Requirements

In addition to the standards of “The Roosevelt Way,” the following are instituted in the College Career Research and Development II class.

            a. You are expected to be in the classroom and ready to begin work when the bell sounds.  Otherwise, you are considered tardy.

            b. You must telephone or email the coordinator by 8:30 a.m. if you think you will be late or know you will be absent for the day (see contact info above). 

            c. If absent from school, it is expected that you will not be able to report to work.  You must notify your employer as well.  Failure to telephone the appropriate                     personnel will affect both CLASS and OJT grades.

5. Students are responsible for insuring that employer evaluations are returned to the coordinator by the due date.  Failure to do so will result in a lowering of grades.

6. Students are required to Dress for Success according to professional standards every  Wednesday (or other day announced).

7. The development of proper attitudes, habits, and ideals that will promote wholesome and successful relationships in the business world and in personal life is a primary objective.