Outreach and Publication

Academic and Career Assistance

Students are guaranteed one-on-one mentoring with a business professional in their chosen field and a minimum of one six-week paid internship. Support and enrichment programs are provided through extended day and summer bridge programs. A dedicated college and career counselor is also available to all students. If you would like to be a P-TECH mentor, click here to enroll today!

P-TECH Program & Mentor Information Sessions

Our team is available to come to your location to provide your organization with a P-TECH and Mentorship informational session.

Contact us via email at ptech@pgcps.org to learn more or with Tara Anderson, Business Liaison, P-TECH Mentor POC 301-669-6012 ext. 45595

P-TECH Mentor Business Partner Sign Up

If you're interested in becoming a P-TECH Mentor, please sign up here!