South Florida PGA

Associate Mentoring

Cleaned - Associates.mp4

Please click the image to view a short message from Section President, Paul Clivio, PGA.

The Associate Mentor program is designed and developed to assist Associates as they strive to attain their Class A membership providing support, guidance, exam preparation, portfolio assistance and much more.  Virtual meetings are held periodically for each level with additional one-on-one in-person mentoring meetings taking place quarterly.

Upcoming In-Person & Video Programs

Level 2 ONLY In-Person Study Sessions:

All Associate Video Call with Mentors:

Tips for seminar and test preparation:

Take your time

Study the learning outcomes

Develop a schedule to ensure you stay on track


New  South Florida PGA Member Jeremy Wells, PGA had this to say about his journey to attaining his Class A membership!

Message from current Associate Jason Glasgow about how this program along with the Associate hotline can help you through your journey.