South Florida PGA
Associate Mentoring
Please click the image to view a short message from Section President, Paul Clivio, PGA.
The Associate Mentor program is designed and developed to assist Associates as they strive to attain their Class A membership providing support, guidance, exam preparation, portfolio assistance and much more. Virtual meetings are held periodically for each level with additional one-on-one in-person mentoring meetings taking place quarterly.
Upcoming In-Person & Video Programs
February 12th - 3:30 -4:15 PM
March 12th - 10:00-10:45 AM
Click on level 1 to view previous meetings along with test preparation tips.
All Level 1 virtual meetings will be held on monthly.
Meetings will focus on helping prepare associates for the program, helping them understand their bookwork and providing any and all support needed to advance on to Level 2.
Click on level 2 and 3 to view short videos to help with your portfolio.
Periodic in person meetings and communicate will be conducted with the help of Chapter mentors.
Video messages will also be shared focusing on the development of the portfolio as well as exam preparation and getting across the finish line!
NOTE: Assistance will provided in level 2 as desired career tracts are selected.
Click on mentors and resources to contact individuals who are ready and waiting to help you attain your PGA membership!
Tips for seminar and test preparation:
Take your time
Study the learning outcomes
Develop a schedule to ensure you stay on track
Hear a message of motivation from recently-elected member Payton Scarbrough, PGA.
Message from recently-elected member, Jason Glasgow, PGA, about how this program along with the Associate hotline can help you through your journey.
"It was great to meet another PGA Professional and observe his lesson. It was extremely helpful and I was able to observe my final lesson and submit my level 1 portfolio! I can't wait to start level 2!" - SFPGA Associate
Key Contacts
Quick links