Campus Planning Guide for Interim Assessments

This is a general guide for campus principals and campus coordinators to help with planning and preparation.


Quick GUide to CTC Tasks in Cambium's TIDE

This document includes detailed step-by-step instructions for those authorized as campus coordinators in TIDE.  Some of these instructions are specific to PfISD and can change for each administration.  Each campus coordinator will refer to this document frequently. 


PfISD Online Testing Setup

This document will be used by the campus coordinator to ensure devices are prepared for each test administration.


Guide to Cambium's Online Practice

This document is intended to be used by capus staff who are accessing practice.  This document is not intended for use by students.


Accessing Cambium's LMS

This document is intended to help campus staff who need to access the LMS to complete training.  The instructions also apply to those accessing TIDE for the first time this school year.


PfISD CampUS Testing plan

Use this document to ensure all important details have been considered.  
