Keep an open mind to the possibilities!

The College Planning process can be a stressful one, but there are many ways to assist in making the research and actual planning slightly less difficult.

College Representative Visits - Reps from many colleges schedule visits to our school throughout the first semester. You must sign up ahead of time outside of the counseling office (Rm 413A) to attend a presentation. Information about the visits will be provided via Remind and other means of communication through the counseling office. A list of rep visitation dates is listed on this site.

College Fairs - Fairs provide opportunities to speak with college representatives in person and have access to a variety of schools in one place at one time. A list of fairs are included on this site.

College Open Houses - Colleges offer open house dates in the fall for seniors and their parents. Physically placing yourself on the campus and talking to staff and students gives you a better sense of yourself in that environment. You may also be able to schedule a meeting to speak to an admissions representative. A link to a list of open houses for PA schools is listed on this site.

Community College - For many students, a community college such as Community College of Philadelphia (CCP) can be the best fit for the transition from high school to college. Students are accepted regardless of their educational experience, and CCP provides a much less expensive college experience which will also allow for exploring different options for future careers. Many four-year schools have transfer agreements with the community colleges in Pennsylvania to accept specified credits toward bachelor degree programs.

Military/ROTC/Military Academies - Students considering enlisting in the military or applying to military academies and ROTC programs must speak with a recruiter. The counseling office will provide relevant contact information.

Athletes - if you are planning to participate in Division I or II sports in college, you must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse ASAP at

Things to Consider When Choosing a College

Academic program

Location (urban, suburban, rural)

Size (small, medium, large)

Extracurricular activities

Housing accommodations

Dining details

Health and counseling services


Actual cost of attending


Technology resources

Religious affiliation

Job placement services for graduate