DSB Petchey Newsletter

February 2022

DSB Newsletter Semester 3

Hello to all parents and carers

This has been a quiet start to 2022 and students have quickly buckled down to working hard and staying focused. As teachers of the deaf , we continue to support students in mainstream classes as well as provide additional Subject Support lessons. We’re having a push on spelling so do continue to help your children with reading and learning new words.

Students and teachers are no longer required to wear face masks in classrooms and corridors. As you know, learning is more difficult for our students who are reliant on lip reading.

During the brief period of returning to masks and following government guidelines we either used a face shield or removed our face masks when teaching from the front of the classroom. This enabled our students to access their learning more easily.

Deaf Matters

Teacher and Hackney Deaf Instructor

This semester Helen Pine, the Hackney Deaf Instructor came to our meeting and shared her life story. The students found it fascinating and particularly liked the way she overcame some of the obstacles on the way.

Here are some student comments following Deaf Matters:

Thank you Helen for making such a positive contribution to our students.


This semester all students across the school have been studying poetry. Here is a poem written by Bethany in year 10


In the trench is where I stand,

Waiting for battle with helping hands.

Sitting and waiting to begin,

Hoping and praying that we will win.

I hear a gunshot and I knew it’s begun,

That is a big lie about having fun.

Missing home more than ever

Sometimes l feel I’ll turn back never.

Bang, bang, bang goes the bullets

Thump, thump, thump runs the man

Down goes the gun

He whispered his final words “this is not fun”

I sat and shivered in the icy cold

Barely missing shots from a man who was old

I heard the trumpets

I was going home

The war is finally over,

And I scramble out of the dome.

Bethany Armstrong

Once again, thank you for the great job you do in supporting and encouraging our deaf students.

Have a great half term.

Jeanette Alexis

Deaf Support Base