Remote Learning

For Teachers

Training Videos and How-to

Google Classroom QuickStart

If you have yet to setup your Google Classroom, one of the largest hurdles you'll face in enrolling students. To ease this process:

  1. Go to Classroom and create one class for each of your class periods.
  2. Next, find the unique code for each individual Classroom and write/type them down.
  3. After, go to your ESchool, select the "Class Management" tab at the top, and select "email". Check the box next to each class and compose an email to all of your students including the Join Code for each period's Google Classroom with instructions on how they can join the Classroom specific to their class period.
  4. Finally, wait for students to join and check against your roster to ensure everyone has joined successfully.

Google Classroom - Next Level

Once you've mastered the basics, look to the above video to see some other skills you can complete with students using Classroom. Slide 9 in the above presentation is another great resource for learning how to create a discussion board, make a copy for each student, organize your Classroom and more.

Click here to get the complete Google Classroom Cheat Sheet Guide for Teachers!

With Loom, you can record your screen, voice, and face to create an instantly shareable video in less time than it would take to type an email.

Record your screen to capture, edit and share videos in seconds! Unlimited recordings up to 5 minutes each.

Screen Capture full Web pages or any part. Edit screenshots. Record screencasts and record video from your screen.

Thanks to our friends at Tierney Brothers, we now have access to their entire support system and help center. Visit this page for help guides and tutorials on Google, SMART, EDPuzzle, Prodigy, Kahoot, Flipgrid, and more! There are also tons of guides on creating and implementing a successful remote learning environment!

How to Use Google Meet web Series with Eric Curts

By starting a Meet, teachers can have real-time, person to person conversations with stakeholders. As with other tools, you do not have to share your camera in order to make this a success. Share your screen or allow others to share their screen to talk through work! This is also a great tool to record a lesson all by yourself to share out with students. The recordings will save to your Google Drive for you to share just like any other Drive item!

Start a Video Meet

Invite People to Your Meet

Join a Video Meet

Basic Use and Features

Record a Video Meet

Lesson Planning Ideas from The Perry Curriculum Team

Links to Tools and Resources

This entire website it loaded with resources for easy integration into online learning materials! Work together with your colleagues to create and share information with students!

Educreations is a unique interactive whiteboard and screencasting tool that's simple, powerful, and fun to use. Teachers can create short instructional videos and share them instantly with students, or ask students to show what they know and help friends learn something new.

Find it in the app store!

Record it!: Screen Recorder allows you to record your favorite games and apps for tutorials, games walk-through, video demos and training videos on your iPhone and iPad. After recording your screen, you can add video reactions with audio commentary to further enhance your recording!

Find it in the app store!

TechSmith Captureā„¢ allows you to quickly record your training and app demo videos on your iPhone or iPad. Share directly from your mobile device to TechSmith Camtasia for editing and enhancements.

Find it in the App Store!

For even more tools for online learning, check out the student resources and teacher resources pages of this website!

How do I check my School Voicemail from home?

Option 1 - Via email

All voicemails are sent to your email address. When you select the link in your email you will be prompted for your passcode (passcode to listen to voicemail at school).

Option 2 - Via website

In your browser of choice go to and enter your Teacher Number (phone extension) and passcode (passcode to listen to voicemail at school). Select the voicemail tab to listen to your messages.

If you need your passcode reset, please send an email to